In 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, forcing many Ukrainians to seek refuge in other countries. Moldova, Ukraine’s tiny neighbor in the south accepted 750,000 refugees. Some went to the capital, Chisinau, in search of a better life, while others, Romani travelers looking for a safer place to live, set up their new homes in the surrounding countryside.  
”One day in a Pentecostal church in a city called Tartarus, there were several Ukrainian refugees hosted. Among them, there were those who spoke the Russian language, and the Moldovans spoke a little Romanian and a little Ukrainian. At one point yes. they are all put together to sing a song. They started it in Romanian and ended it in Russian. And it was the Ukrainians who sang it! This demonstration of solidarity between peoples I will carry with me forever."
⁃  Darius Rubin. C:
Tamara (UKR), Pastoral Refugee Center
Tamara (UKR), Pastoral Refugee Center
Anastsia (UKR), Romani Traveller
Anastsia (UKR), Romani Traveller
Fedya (UKR), Romani Traveller
Fedya (UKR), Romani Traveller
Two Ukrainian Refugees, UNHCR Camp, Palanca
Two Ukrainian Refugees, UNHCR Camp, Palanca
Tataresti Train Station
Tataresti Train Station
Anastasia (UKR), Romani Traveller
Anastasia (UKR), Romani Traveller
92 Year Old Refugee (UKR)
92 Year Old Refugee (UKR)
Pastor, Tatarestil Pastoral Center
Pastor, Tatarestil Pastoral Center
Luba (UKR), Romani Traveller
Luba (UKR), Romani Traveller
Inga, Nurse, Medical Center, Chisinau
Inga, Nurse, Medical Center, Chisinau
Margarita Ksenia (UKR), Medical Center, Chisinau
Margarita Ksenia (UKR), Medical Center, Chisinau
Anatoli (UKR), Refugee at the Tataresti Pastoral Center
Anatoli (UKR), Refugee at the Tataresti Pastoral Center
Romani Family (UKR)
Romani Family (UKR)
Romani Siblings
Romani Siblings
Medical Center, Chisinau
Medical Center, Chisinau
Pastor, Pastoral Refugee Center
Pastor, Pastoral Refugee Center
Romani Siblings
Romani Siblings
Anastasia (UKR), Romani Traveller
Anastasia (UKR), Romani Traveller
Fedya (UKR), Romani Traveller
Fedya (UKR), Romani Traveller
Palanca Librarian
Palanca Librarian
UNHCR Camp, Palanca
UNHCR Camp, Palanca
CRU Center, Moldova
CRU Center, Moldova
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